Description: Here's a nifty piece of historical memorabilia published by THE OLD SOUTH ASSOCIATION of Boston, Massachusetts. This 12-page staple-bound pamphlet includes a deposition given by Paul Revere in 1775, shortly after his famous ride, a letter written by Revere to the Rev. Jeremy Belknap on January 1, 1798, and a short account of Revere's life, provided by S. E. Morrision.
Also included is a card bearing "A Prayer For Our Country" on one side and a poem entitled "America" by Samuel Frances Smith, written in 1832, on the other. Beside the poem is a line drawing of "The Old North Church of Paul Revere Fame".
Actual Size: Pamphlet: approx. 7¾" x 5¼"; card: approx. 3½" x 5½"
Date: Not specifically dated, but references some biographies and other books published as recently as 1944, so is probably from the late-1940s.
Condition: Good, I'd say. The pamphlet is in a nice, clean, readable condition, but has several creases. The front and back pages are mostly separated along the spine, with only the top 1½" still joined. The card is clean and sharp.
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