SERIES: Pictorial History of the Sports and Pastimes of All Nations
SCENES: Mountain climbing; bear pits; horn blowing; target shooting
SIZE: 5" x 3"
ARTIST: Not signed, but reportedly Frances Brundage
DATE: 1893
LITHOGRAPHER: Kaufman & Strauss
CONDITION: Good, I'd say. The card is only lightly soiled, with generally only slightly worn edges, except for small nibbles in the top and right margins. (Please see scans.)
MULTIPLE ITEM SHIPPING DISCOUNT: I will ship up to 4 cards for the single base shipping charge shown. For purchases of more than 4 cards, the shipping charge will increase by just a small increment for every 4 additional cards.
THE Tyrolese are twin brothers to the Swiss, and inhabit the southern Alps. Their land is one of mountains too, but unlike in Switzerland there are few cities. Simple peasants, brave and fearless are the Tyrolese mountaineers. The annals of their country through centuries, tell of their patriotic struggles against the innummerable armies of Austria. The names of their heroes and martyrs form a proud record. It is from these heroes the Tyrolese have sprung, and they preserve the virtues of their ancestors. Besides they are jovial, rollicking and good-natured.
Bears are not infrequent throughout Tyrol. These animals although large and strong, are not very ferocious nor formidable. It is the delight of the Tyrolean to capture them alive, and then to place them in bear-pits. These are specially constructed to frustrate their escape, and to allow spectators to witness their antics. Bears are very amusing animals, and when captured young, can be taught many amusing and remarkable tricks..
These mountaineers are very musical. Each valley has its own melodies. Shepherds and dairymaids all seem endowed with splendid voices. Even the children learn to give the notes on their mountain horns with mellifluous effect.
Mountain-climbing is universal, and the natives become so sure-footed that climbs which might seem impossible to us, are continuously undertaken and without regard to danger.
The Schuetzenfest is a yearly meeting to shoot for prizes. To the marksmen of this country skill becomes second nature and the rifle is almost magically obedient to their touch. Prizes won at such contests are held in highest esteem.
The Tyrolese are wonderful wood-carvers and their quaint clocks, crucifixes and ornaments find admiration everywhere.